Três anos atrás comecei a modelar um personagem nas horas vagas. Naquela
época nem imaginava que a Toy Art se tornaria uma febre. Criar
personagens faz parte do meu trabalho como ilustrador e quadrinista, mas
faltava tirá-los do papel. Decidi levar a sério a brincadeira. coloquei
literalmente a mão na massa e hoje inauguro a JACK IN THE BOX. Nesse
processo surgiram muitas outras criaturas e idéias que de hoje em diante
ilustrarão esse blog. Também quero usar este espaço pra falar de arte
urbana, do grafitti e suas vertentes, criação de personagens, do
processo de modelagem e reprodução de um toy.
ROCKET 00, que abre esse blog é reproduzido em resina, mede 19 cm de
altura e tem tiragem de 10 exemplares pra cada cor. Por 270 reais mais
Para saber sobre valores e prazos de entrega entre em contato pelo e-mail
Até a próxima.
years ago I started to model a character in my spare time. At that
moment, I had no idea that the Toy Art would become a "fever". Creating
characters is part of my work as an illustrator and comic artist, but it
was necessary to take them out of the paper.
I decided to be serious about the project and now I'm inaugurating the JACK IN THE BOX.
During this process, many other creatures and ideas – that will illustrate this blog from now on – came into life. I also want to use this space to talk about urban art, graffiti and its dimensions, character creation and reproduction of a toy.
I decided to be serious about the project and now I'm inaugurating the JACK IN THE BOX.
During this process, many other creatures and ideas – that will illustrate this blog from now on – came into life. I also want to use this space to talk about urban art, graffiti and its dimensions, character creation and reproduction of a toy.
Rocket 00, which opens this blog is reproduced in resin. It's 7.5
inches height and has a circulation of 10 copies for each color. For
$165 plus shipping.
To enquire about costs and delivery time contact us by e-mail
To enquire about costs and delivery time contact us by e-mail
See you later.
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